Turns out we still can dirtbag with the best of ‘em, and this area has been quite good to us for finding excellent free (and we think legal) places to sleep out of the back of the car.
Two Fridays ago, we set up our mats and sleeping bags down in town then drove up to Mt. Rose Summit under the cover of darkness…but it was totally ok and we slept peacefully at 9k ft with a few other vehicle-sleepin’ folks. That kicked off an awesome weekend of getting in the September turns, hanging around South Lake, and getting in some football watchin’.
Last weekend, we headed down the Eastside for the first time since moving to Reno. Access to 395 and everything associated was a big part of the reason we moved here, so even though we couldn’t recreate at our normal level, we had the BEST TIME. Mama and Papa P and Rosie coming off of their backpacking trip to Mammoth a day early gave us the perfect excuse— did some more sleeping out of the Prius, hiking, beer-drinking, and gear-shop-wandering.
THANK YOU PRI PRI for being the best car ever! She’s pretty ok with her new NV plates.
INAUGURAL EASTSIDE WEEKEND (aka weekend of the panos)
Pano 1: looking across the East Walker River valley driving back into Bridgeport
Pano 2: looking across Saddlebag Lake at Yosemite peaks (Mt. Conness, North Peak, and Shepherd’s Crest)
Pano 3: South Tufa of Mono Lake
Pano 4: views looking west, north, and east from Mammoth Crest