Go Cubs Go / by Dani Perrot

A note from our server at 1 in the morning on a Monday night when the Cubs lost to the Giants in the 11th inning. (And a note from us back!)

A note from our server at 1 in the morning on a Monday night when the Cubs lost to the Giants in the 11th inning. (And a note from us back!)

Seventeen nights (12 of them at World of Beers) of playoff games: biting fingernails; drinking many cheap beers and tater tots, texting frantically at times with Ev, Chip, and the Dierkers back in Illinois; complaining about Joe Buck; riding the emotional rollercoaster; an finally watching the Cubs win the World Series for the first time in 108 years. Dierker has been a Cubs fan his entire life, and I had so much fun cheering on his team with him. By the World Series, I was dreaming about baseball, and much of our happiness in life seemed to be directly correlated with how the Cubs were doing. Such good times. Go Cubs go!!!