A few weekends ago, a fairly major winter storm hit the high country…just when we are getting really revved up on something, it seems conditions change. Just gettin’ rolling on spring skiing? Things stop refreezing overnight. Just gettin’ rolling on alpine running? It snows a few feet over the course of a week. C’est la vie! And I won’t lie, I’m almost never sad to see snow, although the earlier the snow, the shittier the PSL problem later down the line, but I suppose we’ll never truly escape the depth hoar here in CO. I digress! We ended up getting in a loop around the reservoir from the house that we’ve been wanting to do for FOREVER…and conditions were perfect for it! Wouldn’t want it much colder or warmer than it was…fairly brutal running that much on the road, but so good for the legs to get some extended time at a quick turnover. All in all, we did the 18 mi loop door-to-door in a little over 3 hours— not bad for some non-road runners! We’ll take it. Afterward, pedicures and beer…and then a trail run the next day. :) Yay dirt!