Weather moving in this weekend had us doing some more mellow, exploratory touring. Saturday consisted of two laps at Hidden Valley with LITERALLY NOBODY ELSE AROUND (when does that happen?!) and then a drive over to the Bear Lake trailhead, where we mozied back toward the Lake Haiyaha drainage to see if we could find the mellower up/down route (called "Up/Down"). No pics, but we ended up a little too far down the ridge, and after some awkward log-hopping in facets we made it to the top of the ridge where we *think* we were at the top of Up/Down. Went down the way we came up with some surprisingly decent turns. Again, didn't see anyone (except for on the Emerald Lake Highway). On Sunday, we both had to work so we did a quick morning at Caribou and just skied the hill close to the parking lot. The best turns were at the bottom, but we had such a nice time meadow-skipping that we did two more laps and were back in Boulder by 10 AM. Again, just us, with boot-top, low angle pow. A surprisingly excellent weekend being extremely mellow, and never crossed tracks with anyone but ourselves.