SATURDAY 4|15|2017
Attempt at the Corral Couloir (unfortunately a little punchier, icier, and spicier than we were comfortable with) turned into an icy ski of Tyndall Glacier. Good practicing a few steep jump turns above talus. :) Fun corn/slush getting down to Emerald Lake.
And then: we drove to my office on a Dierker could fish for ENORMOUS carp!
SUNDAY 4|16|2017
We were thinking of skiing the Silver on Sunday, but got a little nervous after re-reading the avy report. As Dierker said: "We need a beacon of light to the east!!!" So upon looking at the hit list, Frosty's immediately stood out. We've never gotten to ski it, and conditions were looking prime for east-facing slopes. So to Moffat we went! Felt really good to be back at East Portal, especially in the springtime. It was a beautiful morning, smelling of wet pine needles and warm bark. Luckily snowline is still pretty low-- only had to carry skis for maybe 400 yards from the car. Still, the snowpack is definitely starting to melt, and melt fast. The weather was perfect, and we made great time up to Arapahoe Lakes. Someone had built a snowman at the bottom of Frosty's: brilliant. We skinned high on the slope and transitioned to booting for the top 30 feet or so, getting to the top at 10:30. Given the fact that we haven't skied before noon and had it be soft yet, we were a little hesitant, but it definitely was feeling like it was softening on the way we went for it.
FINALLY: CORN. Buttery smooth corn. It was amazing. Totally made us forget all of the less than great turns we've had in the last few weekends. Southern Sun and VQ to follow. What a great weekend.