Sometimes, life deals you a whole bag of lemons…what to do, but make lemonade! Below is documentation of our lemonade-making.
Eventually I’d like to do a write-up about my experiences and lessons I’ve been learning, but I feel like I won’t be able to properly do this journey reflective-justice until it’s over, or at least a bit more wrapped up.
Status update
In short, to-date, I’ve taken the past 12 weeks completely off of running. I took 7 weeks completely off of skiing, but luckily this “injury” has allowed me, for better or for worse, to get away with still doing things like getting in monthly turns. I’ve decided to take more time off of skiing for the rest of February and early March, at least until I can walk around for more than 10 minutes with no twinges, aches, or weaknesses.
After an ultrasound, x-ray, and MRI, my diagnosis is tendinopathy of the rectus femoris (at origin point) and gluteus medius (where it attaches at the greater tronchantor), with no evidence of femoral neck stress fracture, labral tear, or joint issues like hip impingement (HOORAY!). Typically recovery time from this type of tendinitis is 4-6 weeks, so obviously it’s a bit frustrating and concerning that it hasn’t gotten better yet, but I’m trying to remain patient. My physical therapist Priya has been so incredibly helpful; it’s been comforting to have someone working with me who is also concerned, and is taking steps to help me get the right kind of treatment so I can get back out on my feet again.
My new short-term goals are to improve my upper body and core strength by doing upper body weights, deadhangs, and pullups, and get my cardio back up by training to swim a mile.
I’ve also been belaying Dierker at the gym, riding in the car as his copilot for weekend ski mornings, and doing lots of cooking and PT together. He’s also been helping do myofascial release on my hip flexor, quad, IT band, and glute using the Wave tool and China Gel. (We were using some awesome CBD cream for a while too.) He’s also coming off of tendinitis (posterior tibial tendinitis), so we’ve been working on his re-entry training plan so he doesn’t jump back in too fast. We are both learning so much! Good lessons to help keep ourselves healthier into the future.
Photographic evidence of lemonade-making
Christmas Time
The original plan was to be in Jackson…but we ended up staying here and having WONDERFUL Christmas Eve and Day dinners with the Musselman/Robson clan!
DP’s New Year’s Day
I’ll just say that I’ll never forget when my last tetanus shot was…
Adventures in DONUTS, These Hands of Mine, and other foods
After watching a bit of the Great British Bakeoff (or whatever that show is called), I got super inspired to make donuts. Turns out, making donuts is FUN, and it was cool be less reliant on Shamane’s for Donut Friday and instead spread the love myself! We’ve also been enjoying Mama D’s first book These Hands of Mine; weekly, Alex reads a chapter aloud to me while I work on the chapter’s recipe. It’s been so fun, and I’m so inspired/humbled by Mary’s vulnerability in sharing so much about her life and evolution. I have never been very comfortable in the kitchen….The perfectionism and worry has a way of creeping in at every moment, making me re-read steps to a recipe over and over again before doing anything, constantly questioning whether I’ve missed an ingredient or amount or sequence-of-events, whether what I’ve made will look or taste like shit, or if I will poison myself or whoever I’m cooking for….It’s been anxiety-provoking every time I’ve made something new in the last three months, but less and less so each time. I’m beginning to trust myself a little more, care a little less about the end result. I’ve realized in a way, adventure in the kitchen is a good short-term surrogate and long-term complement for adventures in skiing, running, and climbing. Leaning into what’s uncomfortable and coming out the other side is so rewarding for me, so I’m learning how to find that in other ways than just the recreation activities I love so much.
Happy times with co-lemonade-makers
Hooray for friends! I’m lucky to have compadres who are down to hang out with me, even if it can’t be paired with outdoor physical activity….or being willing to try doing some skiing/walking with me, even if I have to stop earlier than expected.