While we were back in "Cali" (as Dierker would say) for a week, we put in some great miles with the fam along quite the elevational gradient.
8,000 ft
Alex and I took Sister on a soggy, foggy trail run toward the Benson Hut on the PCT off of Donner Pass. Right when we got to the ridge, a sketchy snowbank turned us around, and instead we ran toward Mt. Judah. The rain began to subside as the wind picked up, and we gained the little scree summit with cool views down to Donner Lake. For Sister's first trail run, I'd say she KILLED IT! The stoke was high as we bounced off of the rocky trail back to the Jeep.
1,200 ft
For you Western States fans, we hiked from No Hands Bridge and up the American River along the course, which had markers set up since the race itself was happening the next day. It was about one hundred billion degrees, and us mountain-folk were melting while the lowland-champs (i.e. Mom and Sister) chatted and bounced along. Nothing like a hike at noon in hundred degree weather to make you appreciate a dip in the river and cool air drifting out of a mine.
Dani, stop taking my picture.
No seriously, stop.
0 ft
Point Reyes! A beautiful 15 mile loop: hike toward Arch Rock, lunch on the beach (with minimal sand intrusion and many silly "jumping" photos), and single track and huge trees along the way back to the trailhead. It was so great to get out of the mountains for once and into a completely different ecosystem.
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